Minister Jupally Krishna Rao expressed his displeasure at officials during a review meeting in Gadwal on Tuesday. He stated that he will not tolerate those who support corruption and referred to delays by district authorities in registering a PD Act against millers involved in corruption cases.
During the meeting, Minister Jupally also inquired about the pending works of irrigation projects. This review meeting was part of his visit to Gadwal district after being appointed as the minister. He was warmly welcomed by the district collector, SP Gadwal MLA Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy, and other political leaders.
The minister conducted a review of various aspects of development, including irrigation, R&B, agriculture, excise, and civil supplies. He asked the concerned officials to prepare drafts for new initiatives to be taken up by the government. The review meeting, chaired by District Collector VallurKranthi, was attended by district MLAs, MLCs, ZP chairpersons, and top officials and employees from all departments.
The event was also attended by people’s representatives, senior leaders of the BRS party, activists, youth, and others.