YSRCP leaders, including MP Kesineni Nani and Ayodhaya Rami Reddy, met with Railway Board chairperson Jayavarma Sinha to discuss the completion of Gunadala Railway Overbridge (LC No.8) under the Prime Minister’s Gati Shakti project. They requested that the project be funded entirely by the railway and shared that Andhra Pradesh had already invested Rs. 12 crores for the land acquisition.
The leaders also submitted clearance certificates for Railway Over Bridges at Rajarajeshwari Peta and Vambe colonies and appealed for swift permissions for regional development. They requested approval for an additional box culvert route in Ajit Singh Nagar and permissions for various projects, including a road at the Ramakrishnapuram-Devinagar railway underpass.
In addition, the leaders asked for the construction of a station building, a new foot-over bridge, and platform enhancement at Jaggayyapet railway station. They also proposed a passenger train service from Motumarri to Vishnupuram. The YSRCP delegation received a positive response from the chairperson during their meeting.
Source: Delhi: YSRCP leaders urge Railway Board chairperson for completion of Gunadala Railway Overbridge under Gati Shakti project (link: https://www.newstap.in/andhra-pradesh/ysrcp-replaces-3-mps-mlas-in-fifth-list-names-gurumurthy-as-tirupati-lok-sabha-incharge-1518205)