The ruling YSR Congress (YSRCP) in Andhra Pradesh is preparing for the next Assembly elections, which are just six months away. Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy will meet with over 8,000 party leaders at Indira Gandhi Municipal Corporation (IGMC) Stadium to discuss the party’s future plans and gear up for the elections.
The meeting will be attended by ministers, MLAs, MPs, constituency in-charges, regional coordinators, representatives of local bodies, and leaders of party affiliates. There will be a detailed discussion on “Why AP Needs Jagan” across all the Assembly constituencies.
YSRCP general secretary Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy inspected the ongoing preparations for the meeting at the IGMC Stadium. He stated that the purpose of the meeting is to bring the government’s development and welfare programs to the people and prepare the party for the elections.
Sajjala also mentioned that the YSRCP has been reaching out to the public through the ‘Gadapa Gadapaku Mana Prabhuthvam’ program. The legislators have already visited 75% of households and will cover the remaining houses in the coming months.
During the meeting, the Chief Minister will highlight the development activities undertaken by the government in the past four and a half years. He will also discuss measures to counter the campaign of opposition parties.