Priyanka Gandhi, a leader of Congress, spoke at the Yuva Sangharshana meeting in Saroornagar on Monday. She said that Telangana is not just soil, but also the mother of the people. Priyanka Gandhi stated that the Telangana movement was for water, funds, and appointments. Many young people sacrificed their lives for Telangana and her family also made sacrifices. She mentioned that she knows what that pain is like.
Priyanka Gandhi said that giving Telangana was not an easy decision, but it happened as per the wishes of the people. However, even after nine years since Sonia gave Telangana, people’s aspirations have not been fulfilled. She criticized the BRS government for acting like a dictatorship and accused them of being responsible for 8,000 farmer suicides since the formation of Telangana.
As part of her declaration, Priyanka Gandhi promised to provide Rs. 4000 unemployment benefit, fill 2 lakh jobs, and give 10 lakh loans to all eligible people within a year after coming to power. She expressed concern about millions of unemployed people struggling to find jobs. Priyanka Gandhi also criticized the government for not taking action against paper leaks in examinations.
In conclusion, Priyanka Gandhi’s speech focused on the issues faced by the people of Telangana and promised solutions if Congress comes to power.