The YSRCP has gone to the Andhra Pradesh High Court against a memo from CEO MK Meena that says not to reject votes without the RO seal on the postal ballot. They believe this new rule goes against Election Commission guidelines and could cause issues during vote counting. YSRCP leader Lella Appireddy filed a petition challenging the memo.
The court will hear the petition urgently. The Election Commission has stated that postal ballot papers are valid even without the RO seal. TDP leaders claim that YCP went to the High Court because employees favored the alliance. They accuse YCP of trying to invalidate postal ballot votes to boost their share.
Former Minister Devineni Umamaheswara Rao accused YCP of playing politics by trying to make postal ballot votes invalid. He claimed that employees supported the alliance, and YCP was aware of this. This is why they approached the High Court to increase their vote share.