The World Telugu Conference, a grand celebration of the Telugu language and culture, will come to an end today in Hyderabad. This major event brought together Telugu-speaking communities from around the world to honor their shared heritage. It served as a platform for literary discussions, cultural performances, and the exchange of ideas to preserve and promote the rich legacy of the Telugu language.
Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy will attend the closing ceremony to mark the conclusion of this significant gathering. The event is expected to feature a vibrant showcase of Telugu traditions, with prominent writers, poets, and cultural icons sharing their insights and contributions from the past few days.
The week-long conference aimed to connect Telugu speakers across generations and regions, emphasizing the importance of the language in today’s fast-changing world. Attendees participated in panel discussions, book launches, and cultural programs that highlighted the artistic achievements of Telugu literature, music, and dance.
During the closing ceremony, CM Revanth Reddy will likely reaffirm the state government’s dedication to preserving Telugu culture. He is expected to deliver a speech highlighting the need to protect linguistic heritage and support cultural initiatives for future generations.
As the World Telugu Conference concludes, it leaves behind a renewed sense of pride and purpose among Telugu communities worldwide. The event has inspired people to continue cherishing and promoting their linguistic and cultural identity for years to come.