The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrashekhar Rao, has promised to support a private rail coach and bogie manufacturing factory to help it grow quickly. He visited the Medha coach factory in Kondagal, which is located on the outskirts of Hyderabad City, along with Industry Minister KT Rama Rao and government officials.
During his visit, the Chief Minister praised Telangana entrepreneurs for their work in supplying rail coaches to countries around the world. He also highlighted the state’s success in industries such as pharma, poultry, and vaccination production. The government has created an ecosystem to support businesses through its TSiPass policy, which allows investors to obtain all necessary permissions within two weeks.
KCR, as the Chief Minister is commonly known, stated that Telangana is experiencing significant industrial growth. A Malaysian company is also setting up ancillary units in the state. The Medha coach manufacturing company has already secured a monorail order and is exporting its products to other countries.
Finally, KCR promised that the government would provide any necessary support to the Medha company to help it grow quickly.