The All India Football Federation (AIFF) League Committee has announced that the next edition of the Indian Women’s League (IWL) will be held from April 25. The Committee also decided to allow teams to recruit three foreign players, with a maximum of two allowed on the field at a time. This decision was made after clubs requested an increase in the number of foreigners. The 2022-23 season of the Hero IWL will see 16 teams split into two groups. The top four teams from each group will qualify for the knockout stage, consisting of quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals. The top eight teams will get direct slots in next season’s Hero IWL, which will be played in a home and away format. In addition, East Bengal has been included in the Hero IWL season after much deliberation, in the interest of developing and growing the league. The IFA had requested that East Bengal be considered for inclusion this season. The AIFF informed that the Committee took this decision to ensure there was enough gap between the Hero IWL and the Hero 27th Senior Women’s National Football Championships 2022-23.