The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) announced that women took the top four spots in the Civil Services Examination 2022, with Ishita Kishore, a graduate from Delhi University, securing the first place. Garima Lohia and Smriti Mishra, both graduates from Delhi University, came in second and fourth place respectively, while Harathi N, a B Tech degree holder from IIT-Hyderabad, secured third place. This is the second year in a row that women have taken the top three ranks in the exam.
A total of 933 candidates qualified for the exam, with 613 men and 320 women. The top 25 candidates comprise 14 women and 11 men. The exam is conducted in three stages – preliminary, main and interview – by the UPSC to select officers for various services such as Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and Indian Police Service (IPS).
Ishita Kishore qualified with political science and international relations as her optional subject. Garima Lohia, Harathi N, and Smriti Mishra all had different optional subjects. The educational qualifications of the top 25 successful candidates ranged from graduation in Engineering, Humanities, Science, Commerce and Medical Science from premier institutions of the country.
The recommended candidates include 41 persons with Benchmark Disability. Out of the total qualified candidates, 345 are from General category, 99 from Economically Weaker Section (EWS), 263 Other Backward Classes (OBC), 154 Scheduled Caste (SC) and 72 from Scheduled Tribe (ST). A total of 178 candidates have been put in the reserve list as well.
There were 1,022 vacancies reported by the Centre to be filled through the civil services examination. It included 180 IAS officers, 38 IFS, 200 IPS, 473 in Group A central services and 131 in Group B services. The UPSC has a ‘Facilitation Counter’ near Examination Hall in its campus. Candidates can obtain any information/clarification regarding their examinations/recruitments on the working days between 10 am to 5 pm in person or over telephone nos.