Telangana police have filed a case against an official from the Crime Investigation Department (CID) for sexually harassing a female employee of the Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSSPDCL). The case was registered at Chaitanyapuri Police Station under the Rachakonda Police Commissionerate in Greater Hyderabad, based on the victim’s complaint.
The woman, who works at TSSPDCL in Kothapet, stated in her complaint that the official had been harassing her since they first met during national level sports competitions at Saroor Nagar Stadium two years ago. She claimed that he sent her inappropriate messages, photos, and videos on WhatsApp, and even asked her for a photo of herself in a saree.
The woman also alleged that the official asked her to attend a special class conducted by him, and on another occasion, he requested a personal meeting to discuss a case. The police have charged the CID official under Section 354A of the Indian Penal Code for sexual harassment and are currently investigating the matter.