The Telangana government has decided to hold assembly meetings starting from August 3. However, there is an interesting discussion going on in political circles regarding who will attend these meetings. The State High Court has dismissed Vanama Venkateswara Rao, the Kothagudem MLA, and declared Jalagam Venkat Rao as the new MLA. Now, it is uncertain which of these two leaders will be attending the assembly meetings.
Vanama Venkateswara Rao tried to get a stay on the court’s verdict, but the High Court rejected his plea. This means that the court’s verdict must be implemented. On the other hand, Jalagam Venkat Rao met with the assembly secretary to be recognized as an MLA based on the court’s decision. Ultimately, it will be up to the Speaker to decide who will attend the meetings.
Political analysts believe that Vanama Venkateswara Rao, who has been declared invalid by the court, will not be able to attend the assembly meetings. On the other hand, Jalagam Venkat Rao will need to take an oath as an MLA in order to attend the meetings. If the Speaker decides to administer the oath to Jalagam, he can participate as an MLA.
If the Speaker delays making a decision on this matter, neither of the two leaders will have a chance to attend the assembly meetings this time.