The situation at the Manjoor Nagar Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Bhupalpally has become tense and confusing. The current MLA, Gandra Satyanarayana Rao, is urging officials to transfer the temple’s control to the Endowments department, arguing that they can manage it more effectively. However, former MLA Gandra Venkataramana Reddy claims this move is an attempt to take over the temple.
The temple was constructed with the aim of benefiting the public, and within a year, the deity was installed. Since then, devotees have been regularly visiting the temple, where daily rituals and offerings are carried out. Although much of the temple is complete, some parts, like the Rajagopuram, North Gate, Yagashala, and compound wall, are still under construction.
Former MLA Gandra Venkataramana Reddy and his wife are committed to completing the remaining construction before handing the temple over to the Endowments department. This has created confusion among locals, with many feeling the situation is like being stuck in a dilemma—whether to release the temple now or wait until it’s finished, as both options come with challenges.
Adding to the complexity, there has been a history of disputes over the temple land, with some cases even reaching the courts. The people of Bhupalpally are now closely watching the developments, eager to see how the matter will be resolved.