The battle lines are drawn for the Warangal Lok Sabha (SC Reserved) seat with the BRS announcing Dr M Sudheer Kumar, Hanumakonda Zilla Parishad chairman, as its candidate on Friday. It took some time for BRS to finalize its candidate after Dr Kavya refused to contest on the pink party ticket.
BRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao has been looking for a strong candidate to face the Congress’ Dr Kadiyam Kavya and the BJP’s Aroori Ramesh. Almost all BRS leaders in the Warangal district supported Sudheer who has been with the party since 2001.
KCR considered former MLA Thatikonda Rajaiah for the ticket but ended up finalizing Dr Sudheer after getting feedback from local leaders. Sudheer’s family is from Uppal under Kamalapur mandal and settled in Bheemadevarapally. His Madiga community also played a role in getting the ticket.
Madiga community leaders have been demanding preference over the Mala community. Dr Sudheer was elected as the ZPTC from Elkathurthy and became ZP chairman in 2019. Polling for the Parliament election will be held in Telangana on May 13.