Sachin Tendulkar, the legendary cricketer, will turn 50 on April 24. To celebrate this milestone, Mumbai Indians will hold a series of surprises and activities during their match against Punjab Kings on Saturday. The celebrations will commemorate not only Sachin’s career but also his fans who have been with him throughout his journey.
Sachin has made the number 10 jersey iconic in cricket, and this year marks ten years since he played his last match for India at Wankhede stadium. During the match on Saturday, fans will once again chant “Sachinnn, Sachinnn” as they celebrate the highest run-getter of all time and India’s most capped Test and ODI player.
A special Tendulkar installation will also be set up outside the Garware pavilion. Get ready for the Wankhede to reverberate with the sound of Sachin’s name once again!