Scores of people in the Rajendranagar area of Ranga Reddy district are facing the issue of their names missing from the voter list. Many of them are applying for electoral voter ID cards again without knowing the correct procedure. Officials are rejecting their pleas.
The problem came to light when GHMC officials noticed that many applicants over the age of 30 were filing pleas in Form-6, which is meant for first-time voters. This indicates a lack of awareness among the public about the appropriate method to follow if their names are not found in the Election Commission’s portal.
Some people have been misled by operators at Mee-Seva and online centers, who claim that the correction process is time-consuming and complicated. As a result, these individuals are taking a risk by using the wrong approach to address the issue. GHMC officials are rejecting their pleas, as applying through Form-6 when not eligible is considered an offense.
Ravi Kumar, Deputy Commissioner of GHMC Rajendranagar, informed that they receive at least 10-15 such applications every day. This confusion may be due to a lack of knowledge about the process. People who have already enrolled in the voter list but cannot find their names in the portal are mistakenly using Form-6 to include their names again.
The officials are simply rejecting the pleas of those who have applied using Form-6, as it is considered an offense.