The election campaign for 17 Lok Sabha constituencies in Telangana has ended. Chief Electoral Officer Vikas Raj announced that 90,000 employees are involved in election duties and a holiday with pay has been declared on May 13. Non-locals are not allowed in the constituencies after 5 PM from Saturday, and strict actions will be taken against those who do not follow the rules.
Section 144 will be imposed across Telangana, and 160 central forces along with 60,000 police personnel are on duty for security. The CEO also mentioned that symbols of political parties should not be shown on TV channels, bulk SMS related to elections is banned, and exit polls are prohibited until June 1.
All private organizations in Telangana are required to give paid leave to their employees on May 13. Non-locals should also avoid being present in function halls, community halls, and lodges. There are a total of 35,809 polling stations in Telangana, with over 87,000 ballot units being used. To avoid confusion among voters, posters have been instructed to be displayed in the polling station premises.
A total of three lakh employees have been appointed for the election process, and authorities have seized cash, liquor, and drugs worth 320 crores so far.