The Minister for Endowments, Allolla Indrakaran Reddy, recently visited the Swayambhu Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple in Yadadri with his family. During their visit, they performed a special pooja and were welcomed by the priests with Purnakumbham. After their darshan, the chief priests of the temple blessed them with Vedasirvachanam.
In addition to the minister’s visit, Sri Ganapati Sachidananda Swami, head of DattaPeetam of Mysore, also visited the temple. He conducted a special pooja to Swayambhu Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy in the sanctum sanctorum and was welcomed by Indrakaran Reddy and the temple authorities. After their darshan, Minister Indrakaran Reddy and his family members received blessings from the seer.
Later on, Satchidananda Swami inspected the Yadadri temple structure and its surroundings. This visit is significant as it highlights the importance of preserving and maintaining this ancient temple, which holds great cultural and religious significance for many people.