The BJP candidate for Chevella Lok Sabha constituency, Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, expressed his concern about the government selling temple lands. He suggested that instead of selling them, the government should give them on lease to sustain temples and help poor farmers with the revenue generated.
Konda Vishweshwar Reddy and his spouse Sangita Reddy performed a special pooja on Sri Rama Navami at Sitarampur Ramalayam, Shahabad. He also shared Rama Navami greetings with people. During his speech, he criticized the government’s encroachment on temple lands and urged authorities to protect these sacred grounds for future generations.
The BJP leader pointed out that both the current Congress and past BRS governments have acquired 1,100 acres of Endowment lands in Sitarampur village and allocated them to industrialists at nominal prices. He demanded that the government return these lands to the temples they were taken from. Vishweshwar Reddy emphasized that temple lands should not be sold, but instead given on lease to generate revenue for sustaining temples, preserving heritage and culture, and supporting poor farmers.