Indian cricket fans celebrated Rohit Sharma’s 36th birthday by worshiping his cutout and offering a coconut for his well-being. A video of this act went viral on social media, showing the fans performing the traditional ritual. Rohit currently leads the Mumbai Indians in the IPL, and it is expected that he will celebrate his birthday with his loved ones.
However, despite his status as one of India’s premier white-ball players, Rohit has been struggling with form lately. This is a concern not only for the Mumbai Indians but also for the Indian team as they gear up for the World Test Championship final. Rohit has scored only 181 runs in seven matches at an average of 25.86, which is not up to his usual standards. Mental fatigue may be a factor, as Indian cricketers play non-stop throughout the year.
Former Australian cricketer Shane Watson commented on Rohit’s performance, stating that he has not been consistent in the last four or five years of the IPL. Despite this, Watson acknowledges that Rohit is a “gun batter” when he is at his best and can take on the world’s best bowlers in all conditions.