State Planning Commission Vice Chairman Boinapally Vinod Kumar spoke at a meeting in Vemulawada on Tuesday. He said that the development and welfare programs in Telangana State are unmatched by any other state in the country. The Central Niti Aayog has recognized and awarded these programs. Kumar also mentioned that BJP Ministers at the Centre have praised the programs, but make political criticisms outside. He urged people not to believe the deceitful words of Congress and BJP leaders, and instead focus on the ongoing and future programs implemented by the state government. Various local politicians were present at the meeting, including Vemulawada Assembly constituency MLA candidate Chalmeda Lakshminarasimha Rao and Chairman State Corporation for Disabled Ketireddy Vasudeva Reddy.
In Telangana State, the government is providing pensions to 5, 69, 712 people. However, these development and welfare programs are not visible in states ruled by Congress and BJP. Kumar emphasized that Chief Minister KCR is a man of his word and will deliver on his promises. He urged people to pay attention to the programs already implemented and those that will be implemented in the future.
The state government’s efforts have been recognized by the Central Niti Aayog and praised by BJP Ministers. However, Kumar noted that these same ministers criticize the Telangana government outside of official channels. He warned people to not be swayed by the political criticisms and instead focus on the actual programs and initiatives being implemented.
In conclusion, Kumar emphasized the importance of not believing the deceitful words of Congress and BJP leaders. He urged people to pay attention to the development and welfare programs already underway in Telangana State, as well as those that will be implemented in the coming days. The meeting in Vemulawada was attended by various local politicians and officials.