Chief Whip D Vinay Bhaskar has accused the BJP-led Central government of misusing its power and pushing democracy to the brink of collapse. Speaking to the media in Hanumakonda on Thursday, Vinay criticized the government for tasking agencies such as the Enforcement Directorate (ED), CBI, and Income Tax Department to harass its rivals. He also accused the government of protecting powerful corporate houses like Adanis and Ambanis that are allegedly looting the country’s resources.
Vinay highlighted the case of MLC K Kavitha, who is fighting for the women’s reservation bill, as an example of the government’s vindictive approach towards its critics. He demanded an unconditional apology from the BJP State president Bandi Sanjay for his derogatory remarks on Kavitha.
Vinay also condemned the recent IT raids on Bala Vikasa, an NGO working for the welfare of people, and called it a measure to suppress minorities. He praised Bala Vikasa’s role in developing the world-renowned model village Gangadevipally in Warangal district.
Vinay compared the KCR Government’s focus on welfare and development to eradicate poverty with the Centre’s divisive politics to gain political mileage. He said that the BRS (Bharatiya Rashtravadi Samanvaya) party would expose the anti-people policies of the Centre.
Vinay announced that IT, MA&UD Minister, and party working president KT Rama Rao would inaugurate the BRS party district office in Hanumakonda on March 23. KTR would also participate in several development works worth around Rs 66 crore and address a public meeting at the KUDA grounds. The event was attended by Kakatiya Urban Development Authority (KUDA) chairman S Sunder Raj Yadav, former chairman Marri Yadava Reddy, district libraries chairman Azeez Khan, and Warangal West constituency in-charge T Janardhan Goud.