A meeting was held in the Ennepalli Goulikar function hall in Rangareddy for representatives of the Vikarabad constituency BRS party on Tuesday. The MLA Metuku Anand hosted the meeting, and Chevella MP Ranjith Reddy and MLC Pochampalli Srinivas Reddy were the chief guests. At the meeting, Reddy described CM KCR as a “brand” that instills fear in opposition parties’ leaders. He also talked about Telangana’s development model, criticizing the BJP leaders for not providing adequate financial support to the state.
Reddy highlighted the success of Telangana’s development model, citing the fact that 24 councilors out of 70 in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, have joined the party after witnessing the State’s progress. He also explained that the BRS party was founded under the leadership of CM KCR, with the slogan “Ab Ki Bar Kisan Ki Sarkar.”
Reddy stated that CM KCR has directed everyone to take the welfare schemes introduced by the BRS party to the people over the last nine years. The event was attended by BRS leaders, activists, and others.