Congress senior leader V Hanumantha Rao criticized the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) party for attacking the State government with their booklet titled ‘Congress 420 promises’. Speaking at a press conference in Gandhi Bhavan, Rao stated that the people voted for Congress in the Assembly elections because they believed the party would fulfill its promises. He accused the BRS leaders of trying to tarnish the image of the newly formed government.
Rao challenged the BRS party to reveal how many promises they have fulfilled in the last ten years. He also questioned their failure to provide three acres of land to Dalits, a government job for every household, and a Dalit Chief Minister. Additionally, he mentioned media reports suggesting that Congress president Sonia Gandhi might contest from Khammam in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Rao expressed his support for Sonia Gandhi and vowed to campaign for her and the Congress party in all constituencies.
He further stated his determination to fight until Rahul Gandhi becomes the Prime Minister with the support of the I.N.D.I.A bloc.