The 50th Foundation Day of the United Teachers’ Federation was celebrated in Hyderabad. Prominent literary personality Mothukuri Narahari hosted the flag at the event, which was formally inaugurated by senior leaders.
During the meeting, TSUTF president K Jangaiah mentioned that UTF was the first State-wide teachers’ union formed in united AP. He emphasized that the union has been fighting for the development of public education and the welfare of teachers for 40 years in united AP and the last nine years in Telangana. The goal is to provide quality education to children in government schools and create an education system without gaps. Narahari highlighted that the facilities enjoyed by teachers today are a result of collective struggles, but warned against attempts to take away these rights and facilities. He urged teachers to remain vigilant and protect themselves through united movements.
STFI national vice-president M Samyukta praised UTF for its progress in study, teaching, social consciousness, rights, and responsibilities. She mentioned that a new trend in the history of the teachers’ movement began with the emergence of UTF, which also encourages women to take leadership positions.
TSUTF general secretary Chava Ravi announced that the golden jubilee programs will be organized until August 10, 2024. As part of the jubilee celebrations, a family welfare fund has been started this year under the auspices of TSUTF. If a member dies while in service, they will receive financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh within ten days.
Several senior leaders including P Manik Reddy, Kondala Rao, Mastan Rao, Narasimhachari, Vandana, Ramakrishna, Venkateswarlu, Venkateswara Raju, Bhaskara Rao, and others participated in the event.