In Hyderabad, two BRS leaders, MLA Bheti Subhash Reddy and former mayor Bonthu Rammohan, met with MLC K Kavitha to discuss the candidature in Uppal Assembly Constituency. They urged Kavitha to ensure that the ticket is given to leaders who were part of Telangana agitation (Udyamakarulu). The leaders emphasized that the party should prioritize those who were involved in the agitation instead of those who recently joined the party or lack support from the party cadre.
Both Subhash Reddy and Bonthu Rammohan have been long-time members of the party and have actively participated in various party programs in the constituency. However, there is confusion among the party cadre regarding possible changes in the constituency.
This meeting is significant because both leaders are contenders for the ticket. While Bheti Subhash has been the MLA, Rammohan has been organizing parallel programs in the constituency. There are speculations that the candidate may be changed this time, with B Laxma Reddy being considered for the ticket. Despite their rivalry, both leaders came together to meet Kavitha, who has promised to bring their concerns to the attention of the high command.