A total of 885 unclaimed vehicles of various types are set to be auctioned by the Cyberabad police. These vehicles are currently pooled at Moinabad police station grounds. Individuals who believe they have any objection or ownership interest in any of the vehicles can file an application with the Commissioner of Police, Cyberabad Commissionerate within six months of the notification date. Failure to do so will result in the vehicles being auctioned off. The details of the vehicles can be obtained from N Vishnu, MTO-2, Reserve Inspector of Police, Cyberabad, at +91-9490617317 or on the official website of Cyberabad Police at www.cyberabadpolice.gov.in. The auction will be conducted in accordance with the Cyberabad (Metropolitan area) Police Act, 2004, and Sec.40&41 of Hyderabad City Police Act.