In Hyderabad, the Jeedimetla police filed a case against two individuals, Rajiv Singh and Satish Jadhav, for making offensive comments about Prophet Mohammed. They allegedly made these remarks on social media platforms like Instagram and in a WhatsApp group in the city. A complaint was lodged, and the police registered a case under Sections 153A, 504 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), and Section 66 of the IT Act.
Back in 2022, BJP MLA Raja Singh released a video containing disrespectful comments about Prophet Mohammed. This sparked unrest, with Muslim youths protesting on the streets. The police arrested the MLA, who was then jailed for three months and suspended from the BJP party. Despite this, he was eventually reinstated and went on to win the Goshamahal Assembly seat in the recent elections.
It is important to remember that making offensive remarks about religious figures can have serious consequences, as seen in these incidents. It is crucial to respect all religions and refrain from spreading hate speech or inciting violence based on religious beliefs.