Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Cyber Crime Police arrested two persons involved in online cheating and forgery related to insurance. The arrested individuals are Bellary Pavan Kumar (27) from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, and Soudri Basavaraj (27) from Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. They collected money from customers by pretending to be from Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Ltd and defrauded them of Rs 1,88,599.
The police received a complaint that the fraudsters contacted people using the name Cholamandalam MS General Insurance. Pavan Kumar operated a fake customer care center with the help of Basavaraj. They gathered information about insured individuals of Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company and collected money by claiming it was for renewing their insurance policies.
To commit these cyber frauds, the accused provided bank accounts to victims and deceived them. The Cyber Crime Police, Hyderabad, registered a case under various sections of the IT Act and IPC. The police confiscated seven mobile phones, two laptops, six ATM cards, and SIM cards from the accused.
The police have warned people not to trust fraudulent online websites, fake calls claiming to be from insurance companies, or unauthorized websites.