The Rachakonda police in Hyderabad have busted two drug rackets and confiscated heroin, MDMA, and opium from the people they arrested. In the first case, a man named Deepa Ram from Kukatpally was arrested and found in possession of 70 grams of heroin, MDMA, a motorcycle, and a bank account with Rs. 3.21 lakh. Deepa Ram, originally from Rajasthan, arrived in the city in 2021 and has been bringing drugs from his hometown to sell in Hyderabad for Rs. 8,000-10,000 per gram.
Acting on a tip-off, the Special Operation Team (SOT) and Chaitanyapuri police apprehended Deepa Ram with the help of the LB Nagar team. In another case, a man named Mahender Singh from Adibatla was arrested and found with 2.25 kg of opium and a mobile phone. Singh, also from Rajasthan, grew opium plants on his farm and transported them to Hyderabad to sell to local consumers. These arrests were part of the efforts by the Rachakonda police to crack down on drug trafficking in the area.