Delhi Police arrested two people for cheating several individuals by offering to sell expensive electronics at low prices through social media. The two suspects are Raghav and Aryan Kumar. A complaint was filed on a Cyber Crime Reporting Portal by Akhilesh Gupta, who was scammed by the cybercriminals. An investigation was conducted, and it was discovered that the suspects made fake promises to customers to sell expensive gadgets at cheaper prices. The police registered a case under section 420 of the IPC and began an investigation.
During the investigation, the police analyzed the Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR) and discovered the money trail leading to the scammers in Panipat. Raghav was arrested, and three mobile phones used in the crime were recovered. Aryan was later arrested after a raid in Devi Sarai, Nalanda.
Upon interrogation, it was discovered that Raghav joined a fake SIM group on Telegram where he learned about different modules of scammers. He connected with a person called Clashniks, who taught him about promising to sell expensive gadgets at reduced prices. He created a page on Instagram with the ID and posted videos of customers giving positive reviews, creating fake screenshots of customers chatting with satisfactory services, and gaining fake paid followers on the page from
Raghav then provided a WhatsApp account link on the Instagram page that interested individuals were encouraged to contact them on for further details. When victims messaged on WhatsApp, Aryan placed an order on Amazon and sent a screenshot to the customer showing his address and delivery status after the accused received an advance payment of Rs 500. The victims were fooled on the delivery day by fake screenshots of “out for delivery.”