A head constable and a woman constable from LB Nagar police station in Hyderabad have been suspended for reportedly assaulting a woman in police custody. The Rachakonda Police Commissioner, DS Chauhan, has ordered an investigation into the incident. The suspension orders were issued against head constable Shiva Shanker and woman constable Sumalatha.
The woman, V Laxmi, was taken to the police station and allegedly assaulted according to her relatives. The family members claim that Laxmi, who is a resident of Meerpet, had gone to visit her relatives in LB Nagar along with two other women. On their way back home around 11 pm on Tuesday night, the police picked up Laxmi and took her to the police station where they believed she was beaten.
According to DCP LB Nagar, B Sai Sree, the police had detained three women from LB Nagar crossroads in the early hours of Wednesday for allegedly causing a disturbance. A case was registered against them and they were later taken to court.
Following the order for an inquiry by Commissioner Chauhan, Sai Sree spoke to the woman and recorded her statement.