In Manuguru on May 28, 2024, around 8 o’clock in the morning, SI Rajesh Kumar and his team were monitoring the Hanuman Temple. A man on a bike from Ashwapuram noticed a suspicious person and questioned him. The man admitted to committing thefts in the Kothagudem Santa area and had been in jail since last December, only recently being released on bail.
The man confessed to committing thefts in Manuguru PV Kalani as well, but items such as 9 tola of gold, 10 tola of silver, a laptop, and a pulsar bike were still missing. Both individuals involved were taken into custody and had a history of multiple cases registered against them in various police stations.
Cases had been registered against them in Bhupalapalli, Godavarikhani, Manchiryala, Bellampalli, Venkatapuram, Ghanapur, Manuguru, and Bhadrachalam police stations. They had been in and out of jail frequently, with all incidents linked back to Manuguru CI Meda Prasad.