The Jeedimetla police, along with the Cyberabad Special Operations Team (Balanagar), arrested two people and seized 400 kg of contraband from a truck on Saturday. The arrested individuals are Bablu Khare, the truck driver, and Govind Patidar, a farmer, both from Madhya Pradesh.
Two others involved in the case, Bablu from Odhisa who supplied the contraband and Aravind from Maharashtra who was supposed to receive it, managed to escape. According to the police, Khare and Govind were instructed by Bablu to purchase ganja and distribute it to various individuals across the country.
On Thursday, Bablu asked Khare and Govind to deliver the ganja to Aravind in Maharashtra. They loaded the ganja and concealed it with small saplings in the truck. However, they were caught by the police before they could make the delivery. DCP SOT, M A Rasheed, provided this information.