Two popular Telugu actors attended a rave party in Bengaluru on May 20. Their blood samples tested positive for drug consumption. Hema and Ashi Roy were the actors involved in the case.
The rave party was initially handled by the Electronic City Police before being transferred to the Hebbagodi police station and then taken over by the Central Crime Branch. The party reportedly had MDMA pills, crystals, hydro cannabis, and cocaine. Blood samples of the attendees were sent to a laboratory for testing.
A total of 59 men and 27 women tested positive for drug consumption at the party. Hema was detained by the police and tried to record a misleading video while asking not to be arrested. The police raided the party, titled ‘Sunrise Victory,’ attended by around 100 people, including techies and other Telugu actors.
The attendees allegedly used MDMA, cocaine, hydro ganja, and other substances at the party. Narcotic substances were seized by the police from the farmhouse where the party took place. State Home Minister G Parameshwara stated that Karnataka aims to be drug-free and will not tolerate rave parties.
He warned students engaging in drug consumption and trafficking are being monitored and will be sent back to their respective states if found guilty.