Former Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao recently attended the Gadapa Gadapaku Congress program. He expressed his gratitude to Senior leader NTR for giving him a political career at a young age. Tummala also mentioned that he was blessed by Sri Ramachandra Swamy to work towards finding permanent solutions for the problems in Paleru.
During his speech, Tummala emphasized that holding positions in politics is not permanent and that having ego with power is unnecessary. He praised Indira Gandhi for her leadership qualities and for improving the lives of the poor. Tummala and his supporters aim to bring Congress back to power as a tribute to Sonia Gandhi, who played a crucial role in establishing Telangana state. He believes that joining the Congress party is essential for a strong democratic system.
Tummala’s political goal is to make the Khammam district greener with the Sitarama project. He also expressed his commitment to working towards the victory of Congress not only in the joint Khammam district but throughout the state.