Agriculture minister Tummala Nageswara Rao recently stated that several meetings were conducted with seed companies in February and March to ensure an adequate supply of seeds in the State. In the upcoming monsoon season, it is estimated that cotton crops will be cultivated on 55 lakh acres, with plans to provide 1.24 crore cotton seed packets to farmers in March. Farmers have already purchased over 10 lakh packets from various companies, and the Agriculture Department has been instructed to closely monitor the distribution of these seeds.
There have been recent reports of shortages of cotton packets in some districts, resulting in farmers receiving only two packets. To address this issue, seeds of the same type from specific companies are being distributed to farmers based on demand. The minister clarified that there is no overall shortage of cotton seed packets in the markets or districts, despite some isolated incidents of limited availability.
It was emphasized that good management practices can lead to consistent yields across different types of cotton hybrids. Farmers are encouraged to consider purchasing a variety of seeds instead of all competing for seeds from the same company. The government has also taken proactive steps to ensure a smooth supply of fertilizers to farmers, demonstrating their commitment to supporting agriculture in the State.
Minister Rao expressed concern over reports of police using force to manage queues for seed distribution, emphasizing the need to maintain the morale of farmers. He urged farmers to trust in the government’s efforts to provide timely and sufficient resources for agriculture, refuting claims that there is a lack of planning or support for farmers in terms of seed and fertilizer availability.