Home Telangana TSPSC Exam Dates to be Announced Within One Week

TSPSC Exam Dates to be Announced Within One Week

TSPSC Exam Dates to be Announced Within One Week

The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has announced that it will release fresh dates for cancelled and postponed recruitment examinations within a week. The commission has already scheduled the Group-I prelims for June 11 and will soon announce recruitment exam dates for various posts, including Town Planning Building Overseer (TPBO), Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Assistant Engineer (AE), Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE), and Divisional Accounts Officer (DAO) in different departments.

According to TSPSC sources, the Computer-Based Recruitment Tests (CBRT) will be conducted first, followed by offline or OMR-based examinations. All the exam centres hosting the CBRTs will be equipped with CCTV cameras to ensure fair conduct of the exams.


The commission had to cancel the Group-I prelims, AE, and DAO recruitment examinations, while TPBO and Veterinary Assistant Surgeon exams were postponed due to a question paper leak. The Special Investigation Team (SIT) is currently investigating the paper leak scam and has already arrested nine individuals.

Candidates who have applied for these recruitment exams are advised to keep an eye on the TSPSC website for further updates regarding the new exam dates.



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