On Thursday, Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao and senior officials met in Hyderabad for a District Collectors’ meeting. During the meeting, the government decided to give Rs 1 lakh each as financial assistance to artisans and communities engaged in traditional occupations for their livelihood. This will be a special scheme for the artisans during the decennial celebrations of Telangana. The scheme will be applicable for most backward communities who are still pursuing their traditional occupations. A special committee will soon submit the details of the scheme to the Chief Minister.
KCR also reviewed the arrangements being made for the 21-day Formation Day celebrations which would start from June 2. He announced that a Gruha Lakshmi Scheme will be launched, under which Rs 3 lakh incentive will be given to poor families who construct houses on their own house sites. He instructed the District Collectors to organise the Decennial Celebrations in a grand manner that reflects Telangana pride. He also asked officials to remember the sacrifices of Telangana martyrs during the six-decade struggle for a separate state and display the achievements of the new state.
The CM announced the release of Rs 105 crore funds to the Collectors to meet expenses for the State Formation Day celebrations. He also said that title deeds for 4,01,405 acres of podu land under the control of tribals in 2,845 villages in Tandalu Gudala will be given. He said 1,50,224 tribals would be benefited under the scheme. The government will open a bank account in the name of each beneficiary as soon as the land titles are given. The government will also extend Rythu Bandhu scheme to the beneficiaries through these accounts.