Members of the All India Students Federation (AISF) in Mahabubnagar have asked the District Education Officer, Ravinder, to reduce the application fee for the Telangana Residential Teachers’ Recruitment Test (TRT). The TRT aims to fill 13,500 vacancies in the state. The AISF raised concerns about the financial burden this fee places on unemployed candidates. They pointed out that the application fee has recently increased by Rs 1,000, causing significant hardship for unemployed youth who want to become teachers in the state.
The AISF State Assistant Secretary, C Raju, voiced his concern about the sudden increase in the application fee. He mentioned that it used to be Rs 300 but has now gone up to Rs 1,000. Raju urged the government to reconsider this steep hike and provide relief to financially struggling unemployed youth in the state.
During the meeting, AISF leaders from the district expressed their agreement with the concerns raised by unemployed youth. They emphasized the importance of creating opportunities without placing unnecessary financial stress on aspirants. The leaders who echoed these sentiments include Lakshman, Sekhar Bheemeshwari, Lavanya, Anitha, Swapna Navaneetha, Bheem Reddy, Anil, Rajesh, Ashok, and Srikanth.