The Trimulgherry lake in Hyderabad is going to be revived soon. The Secunderabad Cantonment Board plans to build a sewage treatment plant (STP) with a capacity of four million litres per day. This will bring relief to the local residents.
The Municipal Administration & Urban Development department has sanctioned Rs 2.9 crore for laying a sewer pipeline to divert sewage to the lake as part of a project to rejuvenate and beautify it.
The SCB has requested funds from the 15th Finance Commission and the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board for cleaning the lake. The Finance Commission has already sanctioned the funds. The State government has also issued an order to divert the sewage at a cost of Rs 2.90 crore.
Once the sewage pipeline is laid, around 500 residents living near the lake will experience fresh air and a reduction in mosquito problems. The SCB has also planned beautification work for the lake.
Manne Krishank, chairman of the Telangana State Mineral Development Corporation (TSMDC), submitted a letter to the MA & UD regarding the lake issue and requested funds. As a result, the MA & UD has sanctioned the funds.