Home Hyderabad Trains operating between Hyderabad and Sholapur for the summer season

Trains operating between Hyderabad and Sholapur for the summer season

Trains operating between Hyderabad and Sholapur for the summer season

SCR (South Central Railway) is adding extra trains to help with summer travel. These trains will travel between Hyderabad and Sholapur from April 24 to May 14. Train no-07003 will leave Hyderabad at 6 am and arrive in Sholapur at 12.20 pm. Train no-07004 will leave Sholapur at 6 am and arrive in Hyderabad at 12.20 pm.

Both trains will stop at the same stations in both directions. These stations include Begumpet, Lingampalli, Vikarabad, Tandur, Sedam, Wadi, Shahabad, Kalaburagi, Gangapur Road, Akalkot Road, and Tilati.



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