The Makar Sankranti celebrations in Hyderabad turned tragic for several families as nine people lost their lives while flying kites. These incidents occurred due to electrocution, falling from rooftops, or using dangerous Chinese manja. One boy named Bhuvan Sai fell from the fourth floor and later passed away in the hospital. Another young man died while flying kites in Appral at Bollaram. In Madhura Nagar, a youth named Chauhan Dev fell from a five-storey building and died on the spot. In Alwal, ASI Akash accidentally tripped from the top of a building while flying a kite and died. Subrahmanyam died of electrocution while flying a kite in Jogipet town. Two children, Tanishq and K Shiva, also lost their lives while flying kites. Another boy was injured and has been shifted to Hyderabad for treatment. An Indian Army soldier named Koteswara Rao died after getting entangled with a Chinese manja and suffering a severe throat cut. The state government has banned manja since 2016 for the safety of birds and humans.