Home Telangana Tragic Incident in Hyderabad: Infant Passes Away After Accidentally Consuming Mosquito Repellent...

Tragic Incident in Hyderabad: Infant Passes Away After Accidentally Consuming Mosquito Repellent Liquid at 15 Months Old

Tragic Incident in Hyderabad: Infant Passes Away After Accidentally Consuming Mosquito Repellent Liquid at 15 Months Old

Parents should always keep a close eye on their children, especially toddlers, as neglecting to do so could lead to devastating consequences. Tragically, this was the case for a 15-month-old boy named Abu Zakir who accidentally consumed a mosquito repellent liquid in his home in Taranagar, Chandanagar on Saturday. Abu Zakir’s parents, who are construction workers, found him in a semi-conscious state in the bedroom after he had been playing alone and rushed him to a nearby hospital where he ultimately passed away while receiving treatment. The Chandanagar police are currently investigating the incident.



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