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Tragic Incident: Child, Age 4, Fatally Injured While Attempting to Open Supermarket Refrigerator

Tragic Incident: Child, Age 4, Fatally Injured While Attempting to Open Supermarket Refrigerator

A tragic incident occurred in Nizamabad, where a four-year-old girl died after being electrocuted while trying to open a refrigerator in a supermarket. The incident was captured on CCTV camera. The girl, named Rishita, had gone to the supermarket with her father. While her father was looking for ice-cream in one fridge, she went to another fridge for chocolates. When she touched the door of the fridge, she was electrocuted. Her father, unaware of what had happened, continued searching for ice-cream. After a few seconds, he noticed Rishita hanging onto the fridge door with her hand in contact with it. He immediately rushed her to the hospital, but unfortunately, the doctors declared her dead. In response to this tragedy, the girl’s parents and other relatives staged a protest demanding action against the supermarket management for their negligence. The police have registered a case and are investigating the incident.



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