In Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi, a car and truck collided early Wednesday morning, resulting in the deaths of eight individuals. The collision occurred around 4 am. The car was traveling from Benaras to Pilibhit on the Varanasi-Lucknow Highway. Sadly, the car’s driver and seven others lost their lives in the accident. A 3-year-old child also suffered serious injuries.
After the collision, the police quickly took control of the situation. They secured the bodies and arranged for post-mortem examinations. The injured child is currently receiving medical treatment at a hospital.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed deep sadness over the loss of lives in the Varanasi road accident. He instructed district administration officials to ensure proper treatment and care for the injured individuals. The Chief Minister also extended his heartfelt condolences to the grieving families affected by this tragic incident.