The traffic police in Hyderabad, Telangana have announced a discount on pending traffic challans from December 26 to January 10, 2024. The discounts are 80% for two and three-wheelers, and 60% for four-wheelers and heavy vehicles.
Those who have pending challans are advised to clear them through the e-challan website during the discount period.
The discounts are different based on the category of the vehicle. Once the payment is made, the remaining amount will be automatically waived.
For two and three-wheelers, paying 20% of the challan will waive the remaining 80%. For push carts and petty vendors, paying 10% of the challan will discount or waive the remaining 90%. For light motor vehicles, cars, jeeps, and heavy vehicles, paying 40% will waive the remaining 60%.
TSRTC drivers can get a discount of 90% by paying 10% of the traffic challan.
The e-challan portal will display the total amount of pending traffic challans, and the discount amount will depend on the type and model of the vehicle.