Union Minister Kiren Rijiju will be the chief guest at the nomination filing event for BJP candidates in Mahabubabad and Nalgonda on April 22. The event will also be attended by Union Minister of State for Defense Ajay Bhatt, national president of BJP OBC Morcha, and Rajya Sabha member Dr K Laxman for Chevella and Zaheerabad parliamentary constituencies.
Additionally, Union Minister for External Affairs Jayashankar will participate in the nomination filing for the BJP candidate in Bhongir on April 23. BJP national general secretary state in charge Sunil Bansal will review campaign strategies and assess the political situation in the state for the victory of BJP candidates. He will also attend party programmes in Chevella, Bhongir, and Malkajgiri LS constituency on April 21 and 22.
On April 23, BJP National Joint General Secretary Shiv Prakash will join the party programme for Secunderabad Parliamentary Constituency. The efforts are part of the BJP’s preparations for the upcoming elections.