Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi and President of AAP is meeting K Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana today. There are speculations that they will discuss AAP’s support for KCR’s party in Punjab and Haryana during the Lok Sabha elections. Kejriwal will seek KCR’s support against the Centre’s ordinance on control of administrative services in Delhi. Kejriwal is meeting non-BJP CMs to galvanize opposition against BJP. It is not known if he will discuss BRS joining Congress at the national level. Recently, Kejriwal met Mamata Banerjee. The meeting between Kejriwal and KCR is important as KCR is in favour of a non-BJP non-Congress alternative to BJP. KCR will explain his plan to promote BRS as a national party. He will also discuss political developments in Haryana and Punjab and the chances of BRS emerging as a political stakeholder by 2024 Lok Sabha elections. KCR distributed Rs 10 lakh compensation to the families of farmers who died during the nationwide agitation against the Farm Laws.