D Vinay Bhaskar, the Chief Whip in Warangal, has spoken out about the need for a National Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme (NUEGS), similar to the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). He criticised the current government for their policies towards workers and accused them of attempting to sell public sector units (PSUs) off at low prices to corporate houses. This action could lead to a lack of job security and exploitation of labour. Vinay is holding a Karmika Yuddhabheri event in Hanumakonda on May 31st, with the aim of raising awareness about anti-working class policies. The event will be attended by several ministers.
Vinay believes that the four labour codes – the code on wages, industrial relations code, social security code and the occupational safety, health and working conditions code – are harmful to the working class and their interests. He accused the government of ignoring the rights of workers and labourers, and undermining their welfare.
Vinay also emphasised the need for better social security provisions for those working in the unorganised sector, as they are particularly vulnerable. He hopes that his event will help to raise awareness of these issues, and encourage people to take action to support workers and labourers.