Today, gold rates in Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, and Mumbai have gone up. The price for 10 grams of 22-carat gold in Delhi is now Rs. 55,860, and for 24-carat gold it’s Rs. 60,920. In Chennai, the price for 10 grams of 22-carat gold is Rs. 56,310, and for 24-carat gold it’s Rs. 61,430. In Kolkata and Mumbai, the prices are the same for both types of gold: Rs. 55,710 for 22-carat and Rs. 60,770 for 24-carat. Silver rates are Rs. 76,600 in Kolkata, Chennai, and Mumbai, and Rs. 80,400 in Chennai. These rates change every day because of different factors like international currency prices, inflation, interest rates, and the jewelry market.